Today in Music

Discover the tracks and albums that made history on this day.

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Discover Today's Tracks

Explore thousands of tracks and albums released on this day in music history, with rich backstories and direct links to listen on Spotify and Apple Music.

Personalized for Your Vibe

Personalized account settings bring you new discoveries every day, tailored to your music preferences and listening habits.

All Genres, All Eras

From classical to hip-hop, browse a diverse selection of genres and eras to find music that resonates with you.

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Music Tailored to Your Taste

With personalized settings, explore a curated list of tracks that match your preferences. Today in Music is your guide to rediscovering classics and finding new favorites every day.

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Your Personal Music History

Discover not just the music of the day, but the history that accompanies each track. With Today in Music, delve into the stories behind every song and album released on this day throughout history.

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About Today in Music

Today in Music connects enthusiasts with the soundtrack of history. Every day is a new opportunity to discover music that has shaped and reflected the world's cultures and societies. We believe every song has a story, and we're here to bring that story to you, along with instant access to listen to it on your favorite streaming platform.